Control diabetes Naturally – MUST avoid white flour, white salt, tea and coffee

White Flour Wheat is the most common cereal used throughout the world for making bread. It is a good source of energy. With its essential coating of bran, vitamins and minerals, it is an excellent health-building food. Wheat is usually ground into flour for use as food. However refined wheat flour constitutes a serious health hazard of the various processed foods...

Carbohydrates, High Blood Sugars, Diabetes – know the connection?

There is a strong connection between carbohydrates, high blood sugars and diabetes. Carbohydrates give your body the energy, or fuel, it needs to function properly. There are two types of carbohydrates; simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are in foods such as fruit sugar, corn or grape sugar and table sugar. They are single-sugar molecules. Complex carbohydrates are the foods that...

One In 4 Americans have already fallen victim to this mysterious health crisis!

mysterious health crisis

It’s called Syndrome X. It may sound like the name of a science fiction movie, but it’s actually a metabolic malfunction that starts with excessive weight gain and energy slumps, then escalates to life-threatening problems like heart disease and full-blown diabetes. In fact, Syndrome X is the real cause behind the obesity problem that is so part of American life today. Over...

Women Who Breastfeed Reduce Their Diabetes Risk

The benefits of breastfeeding are well documented. Breast milk is the healthiest and safest food for babies and it’s easy to digest. Breastfeeding and breast milk contribute to every part of baby’s development including physical, emotional, and perhaps even intellectual. Babies who are breast-fed have fewer infections such as colds, ear infections and diarrhea. Breast milk can even help...