Category: Natural Beauty

September 5, 2018

Top 10 Ingredients That Could Reverse Aging

We all suffer from the same affliction, commonly referred to as the human condition. And the worst symptom, our bodies decline as we age. Unfortunately, there’s no cure for aging, at least, not yet anyway; however, there are some natural remedies to help slow the process. Anti-aging isn’t taking some sort of miracle drug, nor […]

September 4, 2018

Konjac Benefits and Amazing Healing Properties

Close up of Konjac leave (Amorphophallus konjac) The Konjac Kraze Perhaps in your search for dietary supplements and fibers, you might have come across this plant called the konjac, also nicknamed the elephant yam, voodoo lily or the snake palm. Its corm, or, rather, its root, offers many benefits like assisting with weight loss, as […]

August 25, 2017

Can Chocolate Promote Heart Health?

A big new study is being launched by Mars Inc., and the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. The purpose of the study is to see if pills containing the nutrients in dark chocolate can help with heart health; specifically in the prevention of heart attacks and strokes. For countless centuries, cocoa has been used […]

August 10, 2017

4 Beauty Treatments That Can Turn Dangerous

For many women, a salon visit is one of life’s guilty pleasures.  There’s nothing like being pampered and fussed over to melt away the stress of a hectic week.  However, some of the most commonly indulged beauty treatments can cause some serious health risks, from infections to even cancer.  Here’s a list of four popular […]

February 26, 2017

5 Foods That Fight Aging

The word that is heard over and over when it comes to living longer is ANTIOXIDANTS . . . and the more the better! But there are other age-fighting nutrients that also help. Starting to eat foods that have anti-aging properties now will benefit you in the long run in reducing the risk of heart […]

February 26, 2017

Add Red Wine to Your Anti-Aging Approach and See Results

What tactics do you use to fight aging? Eating right? Exercise? Plastic surgery? While it’s impossible to stop the aging process completely (even with plastic surgery), it is possible to slow it down and decrease its impact on the way you look and feel. And if you haven’t heard, now you can add red wine […]

February 25, 2017

How to Reverse the Signs of Aging the Natural Way

You’ve probably seen the television commercials and magazine advertisements promoting anti-aging products and tactics, from magic skin creams and cosmetics to plastic surgery and laser therapy. Some guarantee immediate results while others promise to completely reverse your signs of aging. But do these options really deliver your own personal fountain of youth? Most likely not. […]

February 25, 2017

Aging Well through Lifestyle Adjustment

Aging well is possible. Recent scientific evidence demonstrates that lifestyle adjustments can ensure health through all ages. Aging is usually associated and often accompanied by general deterioration of health and development of age-related conditions and diseases. This has led to the public fear of aging and attempts to defy it through variety of means. Biological […]

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In recent years, seed milks have gained popularity as a nutritious and eco-friendly alternative to dairy and other plant-based milks. Marketed as a healthy option, these beverages are often touted for their rich nutrient profiles and sustainability. However, a closer look reveals that not all seed milks are created equal. Many contain hidden ingredients and […]

NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC! A vast array of products seen in American grocery stores are notably absent on European shelves. This is not due to a lack of international trade but rather stringent food safety regulations in the European Union. Many popular American foods are banned in Europe due to concerns about health risks and […]

Meat Diet vs. Vegetarianism

Did you know that there lurks an invisible ingredient in meat that has been raising health concerns —It is called meat glue- scientifically known as transglutaminase? Transglutaminase is an enzyme used to bind pieces of meat together to create larger, more uniform cuts that creates a seamless appearance. According to the American Meat Institute, it […]