Category: Miscellaneous

April 12, 2023

Fact or Fiction? Health Myths Revealed

Insiders Health debunks some of the most popular health myths, including bread crust removal, going out in the cold with wet hair, losing 75% of your body heat through your head, and becoming smarter by eating fish!

April 12, 2023

Ulcerative Colitis: An Odd Cure – Pt. 2: Eating Worms

We cover the second part of the journey of the man who’s taken desperate measures to cure his Ulcerative Colitis. Travelling all the way to Thailand, he worked with a researcher who was willing to help him obtain the eggs he needed, only they were to be procured from the stool of an infected girl! […]

April 12, 2023

Surgery Gas Explosion and Evil Eye Phobia

Insiders Health uncovers a strange case of a woman who filed a lawsuit against her surgeon. The woman claims to have passed gas during her hemorrhoid surgery, which set her genitals to flame, and blames it to the surgeon for using an alcohol-based agent. Meanwhile, a new disorder arises among the Japanese, which involved fear […]

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Ozempic, Mounjaro and WeGovy are groundbreaking medications for managing type 2 diabetes that have generated significant excitement in the medical community and those who want to lose weight through diet and fitness. Healthcare professionals and researchers have praised it for its effectiveness in controlling blood sugar levels and aiding in weight loss. However, like any medication, […]

Plant-based milks have surged in popularity among those following diet and fitness trends. Several factors fuel this rise, including the increasing number of people adopting vegan and vegetarian diets, concerns about lactose intolerance, and growing awareness of the environmental impact of dairy farming. Popular plant-based alternatives to dairy milk include some of the most popular […]

Oats are scientifically known as Avena sativa….a type of cereal grain primarily grown for their edible seeds, which are commonly consumed by humans and used as livestock feed. Although, there are numerous benefits to eating oats that outweigh the potential downsides, it is important to practice portion control for a healthy diet and fitness routine. Let’s look at the 5 main benefits of eating […]