Extreme Caution- Be Where of 3 Potentially Toxic Natural Supplements

For people wanting to avoid dangerous pharmaceuticals, a vast selection of natural therapies and herbal supplements are available for just about every condition.  But just because they are 'natural' doesn't imply that you can take them like they’re Flintstones vitamins. Many times these supplements are just as potent (if not more) than mainstream drugs. You need to exercise caution when...

The Unveiled Superfood: Grow the World’s Healthiest Food in Your Living Room!

Written By: Jack Riess NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Author, and Life Long Researcher of Health and Longevity. In the age of holistic health and wellness, one word echoes through every corner of the health community: superfoods. From the aisles of organic grocery stores to our social media feeds filled with smoothie bowls and salad jars, superfoods have seemingly taken over....

The Dark Side of Weight Loss: Unmasking the Side Effects of Ozempic and Wegovy

Written By: Jack Riess NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Author, and Life Long Researcher of Health and Longevity. In the world of health and fitness, everyone is always looking for the next big thing to help them lose weight. Recently, two drugs named Ozempic and Wegovy have been making headlines as the latest trendy solutions for weight loss. They have quickly...

11 Foods To Avoid When You Are Sick

These days we are inundated with information on the internet about the foods you should eat and those you should avoid when you are sick or unwell. From increasing your intake of vitamin C to taking natural flu shots, everybody seems to have a different answer. When your body is fighting against the negative impacts of the foods you consume,...

Is Today’s Sugar Really Worse? Understanding the Transformation of Sugar Over the Years

Written By: Jack Riess NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Author, and Life Long Researcher of Health and Longevity. Once considered a luxury, sweet, crystalline sugar has now, quite insidiously, woven itself into the very fabric of our diets. Unseen but omnipresent, it lurks in the foods we consume daily - even the ones we least expect. It is no longer a...

Konjac Benefits and Amazing Healing Properties

The Konjac Kraze Perhaps in your search for dietary supplements and fibers, you might have come across this plant called the konjac, also nicknamed the elephant yam, voodoo lily or the snake palm. Its corm, or, rather, its root, offers many benefits like assisting with weight loss, as well as lowering your cholesterol and blood sugar. Konjac root has been...

Probiotics, the Bacteria With Immunity For You

Probiotics and Immunity With cold and flu season approaching faster than you can say “Achoo,” you might be wondering how you can pump up your immunity to avoid the chills, fever, aches, and sniffles this year.  Traditional wisdom would say “get your vitamin C” or “use that hand sanitizer!"  But there is another way that you can help boost your...

Heart Healthy Foods – Chocolate Anyone?

Insider's Health Exclusive -->>:  Click Here to Find out about “Triple Action Pain Relief” that naturally reduces muscle and joint pain in minutes. (No one knows about it yet)

The Magic of Varins: Exploring the Mood-Enhancing Power of Lesser-Known Cannabinoids


Written By: Jack Riess NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Life Long Researcher of Health and Longevity. The world of cannabinoids is a fascinating realm waiting to be discovered. Many of us are familiar with the rock stars of the cannabinoid family: CBD (Cannabidiol) and THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol). They've been grabbing headlines for their ability to ease pain, reduce anxiety, and even...

Capsaicin: Nature’s Spicy Solution for Pain Relief

Index:  1. What is Capsaicin and How Does it Relieve Pain 2. Benefits of Capsaicin for Chronic Pain Relief 3. How to Use Capsaicin for Pain Relief 4. Other Natural Solutions to Help Relieve Pain  5. Safety Considerations When Using Capsaicin 6. Common Questions About Using Capsaicin for Pain Relief Do you live with chronic pain?  Are you looking for alternative remedies to traditional drug-based treatments?  Nature has...