Understanding Hedonic Hunger: Why We Crave Sugary and Fatty Foods

Fatty Foods

Welcome to our exploration of "hedonic hunger," a fascinating concept that's reshaping our understanding of why we sometimes can't stop eating those chips or cookies, even when we're not really hungry. This isn't just about having a sweet tooth or loving snacks; it's about how certain foods mess with our brains, making us crave more. Surprisingly, this craving, which...

The Ozempic Effect: How This Weight Loss Drug Impacts Muscle Mass

Welcome to our blog! Today, we're going to talk about a medicine called Ozempic. Recently, lots of people have started using Ozempic to help them lose weight. But did you know that losing weight isn't always just about getting rid of fat? Sometimes, it can also mean losing muscle, which is not so good. In this blog, we'll explore how...

6 Physiological Changes Your Body Goes Through During Severe Caloric Restrictions

Caloric Restrictions

When you are in a Severe Caloric Restrictions deficit, your body undergoes various physiological changes to adapt and potentially prevent further weight loss. This involves complex interactions between the brain, hormones, and other physiological processes. Here's how this communication typically works: Hunger and Satiety Signals: The brain plays a central role in regulating hunger and satiety. It receives signals from...

Have you ever wondered why cutting calories doesn’t always lead to weight loss?

Weight Loss

Traditional dieting wisdom tells us that less food equals more weight loss. However, recent insights suggest that this equation isn't as simple as it seems. A comprehensive study by the National Institute of Health has shown that reducing calorie intake might not be the golden ticket to weight loss we once believed. The reason lies in our body's complex metabolic processes,...

How Calorie Restriction/Starvation Diets Actually Cause Weight Gain

Weight Gain from Starvation

When it comes to losing weight, many people turn to calorie restriction and starvation diets as a quick solution. The idea is simple: consume fewer calories than you burn, and you will shed those extra pounds. While this approach may seem logical, it's a common misconception that can have the opposite effect on your weight loss journey. Instead of...

Why Suppressing Your Appetite Could Be the Key to Weight Loss

appetite suppression

Written By: Jack Riess NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Author, and Life Long Researcher of Health and Longevity. Welcome to a blog that delves into one of the most fascinating corners of health and wellness: appetite suppression. Now, you might be wondering, why is this so important? Well, if you've ever tried to lose weight, gain muscle, or even just lead...

Unlocking the Body’s Weight Secrets: The Set Point Theory Explained

Set Point Theory Explained

Written By: Jack Riess NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Author, and Life Long Researcher of Health and Longevity. In our world today, we talk a lot about weight. How to lose it, how to gain it, and how to keep it just right. But did you know our bodies have their own special "thermostat" for weight? It's a bit like how...

The Hidden Calories: Understanding How Alcohol Contributes to Weight Gain

Contribution of Alcohol In Weight Gain

Written By: Jack Riess NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Author, and Life Long Researcher of Health and Longevity. Did you know that drinking just two glasses of wine every day can lead to gaining around 30 pounds in a year? That's about the weight of a small microwave oven, and it’s a surprising fact that many of us might not be...

The Dark Side of Weight Loss: Unmasking the Side Effects of Ozempic and Wegovy

Written By: Jack Riess NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Author, and Life Long Researcher of Health and Longevity. In the world of health and fitness, everyone is always looking for the next big thing to help them lose weight. Recently, two drugs named Ozempic and Wegovy have been making headlines as the latest trendy solutions for weight loss. They have quickly...

The Science of Joy: How Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphins Influence Your Mood

Dopamine, Oxytocin, and Endorphins

Written By: Jack Riess NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Author, and Life Long Researcher of Health and Longevity. What if I told you that the secrets to happiness were already inside your head, quite literally? It's true! Tucked away within the intricate labyrinth of our minds, a quartet of chemicals plays a pivotal role in determining our moods, and consequently, our...