Category: Cancer

July 20, 2024

From Farm to Table: The Widespread Impact of Glyphosate in Our Food Chain

Glyphosate, a widely used herbicide in modern agriculture, has become a pervasive contaminant in our food supply. Originally hailed as a revolutionary solution for controlling weeds, this chemical is now raising serious health concerns. Studies have linked glyphosate exposure to a range of health issues, including cancer, hormone disruption, and gut microbiome imbalance. Despite these […]

July 10, 2024

Beware of Ingesting These Products That Contain Microplastics: They May be Dangerous to Your Health

Many everyday food products have been found to contain microplastics, often due to environmental contamination or food processing and packaging. Here are some common items that likely contain microplastics: Drinking water: Bottled water has been shown to contain high levels of microplastics. Tap water also contains microplastics, though generally at lower levels than bottled water. […]

July 4, 2024

Raising a Generation on Junk: The Alarming Rise of Processed Food Consumption

Did you know that today’s grocery store food would be completely unfamiliar to shoppers from the 1930s? Due to  significant technological and cultural changes plus the rise of packaged food companies, many health professionals believe we are poisoning ourselves as we watch cancer rates, diabetes rate and heart disease rise exponentially. Here are some insights […]

June 7, 2024

Did You Know Fast Food Restaurant Bread Contains High Levels Of Glyphosate?

YEP! That is correct! Based on testing conducted by Moms Across America (MAA),  100%  of all the fast food chains tested had glyphosate residues. ( the active ingredient in Round-Up) Included in the testing were all of the top twenty fast food brands. The brand with the highest Glyphosate count was Panera whole grain bagel […]

June 5, 2024

New Research Is Now Warning People Of The Health Risks Associated With Bottled Water

Health professionals and consumers interested in diet and fitness are cutting back on bottled water after reports confirm that 1 liter of water  contains up to  1 million pieces of plastic.   A new study that used advanced laser technology found that bottled water contains massive amounts of tiny plastic particles, both microplastics and nanoplastics […]

Coke vs. Diet Coke
July 7, 2023

Coke Vs. Diet Coke: The Untold Truth About Aspartame

Written By: Jack Riess NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Life Long Researcher of Health and Longevity. In the great arena of soda pop, there has always been a fierce competition: regular soda versus its diet counterpart. Each can has sparked countless discussions and debates, with a particular spotlight on the world-renowned Coca-Cola, or as it’s […]

June 30, 2023

Colorectal Cancer: 7 Surprising Risk Factors Young Men Need to Know

Written By: Jack Riess NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Life Long Researcher of Health and Longevity. Hey, there’s this sneaky cancer, you’ve probably heard of it – it’s called colorectal cancer. It’s sneaky because it often doesn’t show signs until it’s already up to no good. It’s the third most common bad guy out there […]

June 14, 2023

The Marvel of Kombucha: Its Perks Spanning Digestive Wellbeing, Immunity Boost, Potential Anti-Cancer Traits, and Weight Management

Written By: Jack Riess, certified NASM personal trainer and lifelong scholar of health/longevity research.  Discovering kombucha, the effervescent, tangy and slightly sweet beverage, a decade ago was nothing short of a revelation. Ever since, I’ve been hooked to this flavorful drink which rejuvenates me and injects a dose of vigor into my daily routine. The […]

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Ozempic, Mounjaro and WeGovy are groundbreaking medications for managing type 2 diabetes that have generated significant excitement in the medical community and those who want to lose weight through diet and fitness. Healthcare professionals and researchers have praised it for its effectiveness in controlling blood sugar levels and aiding in weight loss. However, like any medication, […]

Plant-based milks have surged in popularity among those following diet and fitness trends. Several factors fuel this rise, including the increasing number of people adopting vegan and vegetarian diets, concerns about lactose intolerance, and growing awareness of the environmental impact of dairy farming. Popular plant-based alternatives to dairy milk include some of the most popular […]

Oats are scientifically known as Avena sativa….a type of cereal grain primarily grown for their edible seeds, which are commonly consumed by humans and used as livestock feed. Although, there are numerous benefits to eating oats that outweigh the potential downsides, it is important to practice portion control for a healthy diet and fitness routine. Let’s look at the 5 main benefits of eating […]