Author Archives:  admin

When Tragedy Strikes: The Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Imagine this: you’ve been blessed with a beautiful new baby. You obviously love and cherish the new addition to your family sphere. Perhaps you feel you’ve been blessed with the one thing that will bring you joy and happiness for the rest of your life. And then, in an instant, it’s all gone. Sudden Infant […]

Injury and Healing 101: Move It to Use It

Everyone is so worried about injuries these days it’s a wonder we still play sports at all. After 25 years spent working in the field of sports medicine teaching people how to play their best and avoid injuries, people are still getting hurt, doctors are still giving out prescription drugs like candy and RICE is still used by “forward thinking therapist” to treat injuries.

5 Myths about Pregnancy Cravings and Weight Gain

Everyone knows a few old wives’ tales about pregnancy. Having a pet cat could kill you; indulging in certain cravings will create a happier baby; a full moon may induce labor, etc.  Many of these myths have something to do with the almost-certain crazy food cravings you’ll have, which in turn will make you force […]

Gender Inequity: A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy?

fem•i•nist  [fem-uh-nist] noun 1. an advocate of social, political, legal, and economic rights for women equal to those of men. I don’t call myself a feminist, frankly because I find the term to be rather tautologous. As a young female professional, saying I am pro-women’s rights is like a botanist saying they are pro-plants… well, […]

Why you cannot find organic versions of your favorite foods …

Ever wonder why it’s so hard to find organic versions of some of your favorite foods? It’s because we’re still not growing enough organics in America. As demand for organic food soars, major retailers like Costco are unable to keep up. That’s because less than 1 percent of American farmland is dedicated to growing organic crops. […]

Special Interest group launches attack to keep Americans in the dark about to XIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES

Do you want to know how THIS special interest group negatively affects the health of all US citizens? JUST HOURS after EWG ( a non profit corporation- released its 2016 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™, the Alliance for Food and Farming, a chemical agribusiness front group, launched an all-out media blitz to try […]

3 Reasons to Never Eat Wheat Again

You love bagels, you simply couldn’t live without them. What if you knew how sick they were making you? Would you still think that you couldn’t live without them? As more and more research surfaces, we uncover secrets about our modern food system. Over the past century, we have seen a significant shift in the […]

11 Amazing Health Benefits of Pink Himalayan Salt

When I showed my mom pink Himalayan salt, she immediately thought that it had been dyed. “How can that be healthier for you if it’s been colored,” she said. As you walk through the grocery aisles, you’ll often notice an array of low-salt or reduced salt options. There is a clear demand for healthier options, […]

4 Natural Stress Relievers for Stressful Times

If you live in America, you’re no stranger to the economic stress of the present time. And with more and more evidence that stress can lead to any number of ailments, including heart disease, cancer, depression and anxiety, it’s critical to learn to address it properly. Before you turn to options such as prescription drugs […]

Recommended Foods for Diabetes

Brewer’s Yeast Brewer’s yeast is a wonder food. It is rich in traces of mineral chromium. This mineral helps the pancreas produce more insulin. It is one of the best supports for normal handling of sugar by the body. According to an article by Dr. Richard J. Doisy and others, which appeared in the Medical […]

New York, US
1:44 am, Jul 27, 2024
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In recent years, seed milks have gained popularity as a nutritious and eco-friendly alternative to dairy and other plant-based milks. Marketed as a healthy option, these beverages are often touted for their rich nutrient profiles and sustainability. However, a closer look reveals that not all seed milks are created equal. Many contain hidden ingredients and […]

NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC! A vast array of products seen in American grocery stores are notably absent on European shelves. This is not due to a lack of international trade but rather stringent food safety regulations in the European Union. Many popular American foods are banned in Europe due to concerns about health risks and […]

Meat Diet vs. Vegetarianism

Did you know that there lurks an invisible ingredient in meat that has been raising health concerns —It is called meat glue- scientifically known as transglutaminase? Transglutaminase is an enzyme used to bind pieces of meat together to create larger, more uniform cuts that creates a seamless appearance. According to the American Meat Institute, it […]