Sugar Shock: Understanding the Hidden Risks of Sugar in Children’s Diets

June 8, 2016

“Water – The Weight Loss Wonder You’ve Been Missing Out On”

Every day we’re bombarded on social media with the current pills, superfoods and weight loss fads that are all the rage this month. One can’t help but wonder, ‘there MUST be something simpler out there to help with my weight loss goals’! What if I told you there is- and it’s been right your under […]

May 20, 2016

Mango Seed Extract for Weight Loss: Dr. Oz Weighs In

If you’re a fan of the Dr. Oz show, or Dr. Oz in general, than you may think he’s a fairly “straight-shooter” when it comes to advising you on your health and wellness. So, it’s no surprise that he caused quite the stir when he told his millions of viewers that mango seed extract could […]

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Ozempic, Mounjaro and WeGovy are groundbreaking medications for managing type 2 diabetes that have generated significant excitement in the medical community and those who want to lose weight through diet and fitness. Healthcare professionals and researchers have praised it for its effectiveness in controlling blood sugar levels and aiding in weight loss. However, like any medication, […]

Plant-based milks have surged in popularity among those following diet and fitness trends. Several factors fuel this rise, including the increasing number of people adopting vegan and vegetarian diets, concerns about lactose intolerance, and growing awareness of the environmental impact of dairy farming. Popular plant-based alternatives to dairy milk include some of the most popular […]

Oats are scientifically known as Avena sativa….a type of cereal grain primarily grown for their edible seeds, which are commonly consumed by humans and used as livestock feed. Although, there are numerous benefits to eating oats that outweigh the potential downsides, it is important to practice portion control for a healthy diet and fitness routine. Let’s look at the 5 main benefits of eating […]