The Rise of Sourdough Bread: Why It’s Healthier Than Other Breads

May 16, 2016

Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome: A Reason to Hate Sex

If you thought that peanut allergy was giving you trouble, you’ve certainly never heard of poor Mr. A and his Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome. POIS, as first identified by a group of Dutch doctors in 2002, is exactly what it sounds like . . . a sickness you get from your own ejaculation. For 50-year-old […]

May 15, 2016

Low Libido Affecting Your Lovemaking, Ideas to Boost Your Sexual Desire

Are you struggling to get in the mood for a little bedroom rendezvous with your mate? Is your sexual enthusiasm lacking? Are you ready to enjoy that physical intimacy again? We all have peaks and valleys in our lives where sexuality is concerned.  If you’re having difficult time getting out of the sexual rut, sometimes […]

10 Facts You Didn't Know About Sexual Health
January 1, 2016

10 Facts You Didn’t Know About Sexual Health, Contraception and the Dreaded Vasectomy

Not having the right information before “getting intimate” can lead to a heck of a surprise.  Below we take a look at 10 facts about contraception and sexual health that you may not have known.  We’ll start with a few for the guys, as information about male contraception is not as widely spread. A Vasectomy […]

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In recent years, seed milks have gained popularity as a nutritious and eco-friendly alternative to dairy and other plant-based milks. Marketed as a healthy option, these beverages are often touted for their rich nutrient profiles and sustainability. However, a closer look reveals that not all seed milks are created equal. Many contain hidden ingredients and […]

NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC! A vast array of products seen in American grocery stores are notably absent on European shelves. This is not due to a lack of international trade but rather stringent food safety regulations in the European Union. Many popular American foods are banned in Europe due to concerns about health risks and […]

Meat Diet vs. Vegetarianism

Did you know that there lurks an invisible ingredient in meat that has been raising health concerns —It is called meat glue- scientifically known as transglutaminase? Transglutaminase is an enzyme used to bind pieces of meat together to create larger, more uniform cuts that creates a seamless appearance. According to the American Meat Institute, it […]