More Great News about Grapes!

Here's the Great News: Grape Seed Extract is Excellent for your Health Too! For red grape lovers, the news just keeps getting better and better! If you're not a red grape fan, now could be the perfect time to give grapes another chance. Maybe you've heard about the health benefits of resveratrol, which is a component found in the skins...

Surprising Health Benefits of Vitamin D For Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Crohn’s disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Ulcerative Colitis

Vitamin D. Or, the “sunshine” vitamin as it’s sometimes called. If you don’t know just how important it is for your health, well, you really should. Vitamin D is essential for nearly every single working part of your body – from your heart, to your other organs (including your skin). And now it looks like it might have something...

Brain Eating Amoeba!

Insider’s Health EXCLUSIVE:

Save the Germs!

Insider’s Health EXCLUSIVE:

Immunity Boosters for Allergies

If your sneezes and sniffles come with the seasons, now’s the time to prepare your body for spring and summer time allergies – using natural methods that support your immune system. Do yourself a favor and set a goal of skipping your use of Zyrtec and other decongestants and antihistamines. These drugs can cause high blood pressure, insomnia, irritability and...

The Marvel of Kombucha: Its Perks Spanning Digestive Wellbeing, Immunity Boost, Potential Anti-Cancer Traits, and Weight Management


Written By: Jack Riess, certified NASM personal trainer and lifelong scholar of health/longevity research.  Discovering kombucha, the effervescent, tangy and slightly sweet beverage, a decade ago was nothing short of a revelation. Ever since, I've been hooked to this flavorful drink which rejuvenates me and injects a dose of vigor into my daily routine. The distinct, exotic taste and the...