Category: Children

July 4, 2024

Raising a Generation on Junk: The Alarming Rise of Processed Food Consumption

Did you know that today’s grocery store food would be completely unfamiliar to shoppers from the 1930s? Due to  significant technological and cultural changes plus the rise of packaged food companies, many health professionals believe we are poisoning ourselves as we watch cancer rates, diabetes rate and heart disease rise exponentially. Here are some insights […]

June 7, 2024

Did You Know Fast Food Restaurant Bread Contains High Levels Of Glyphosate?

YEP! That is correct! Based on testing conducted by Moms Across America (MAA),  100%  of all the fast food chains tested had glyphosate residues. ( the active ingredient in Round-Up) Included in the testing were all of the top twenty fast food brands. The brand with the highest Glyphosate count was Panera whole grain bagel […]

June 5, 2024

New Research Is Now Warning People Of The Health Risks Associated With Bottled Water

Health professionals and consumers interested in diet and fitness are cutting back on bottled water after reports confirm that 1 liter of water  contains up to  1 million pieces of plastic.   A new study that used advanced laser technology found that bottled water contains massive amounts of tiny plastic particles, both microplastics and nanoplastics […]

May 31, 2024

Understanding The Risks Of Infant Formula

We are told that infant formula is a substitute for breast milk and provides essential nutrients needed for a baby’s growth and development. The composition of infant formula is also regulated and meets an infant’s nutritional needs, like nutrient-dense foods. Yet, is that really true? Upon further analysis,. it seems that food manufacturers and distributors […]

May 28, 2024

Formula Feeding: What Every Parent Should Know About the Potential Dangers

Infant formula was initially designed because some mothers may face difficulties with breastfeeding, such as low milk supply, latch issues, or medical conditions. Baby food manufacturers claim that infant formula is  a substitute for breast milk that  provides essential nutrients needed for a baby’s growth and development. They also claim that it is regulated to […]

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In recent years, seed milks have gained popularity as a nutritious and eco-friendly alternative to dairy and other plant-based milks. Marketed as a healthy option, these beverages are often touted for their rich nutrient profiles and sustainability. However, a closer look reveals that not all seed milks are created equal. Many contain hidden ingredients and […]

NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC! A vast array of products seen in American grocery stores are notably absent on European shelves. This is not due to a lack of international trade but rather stringent food safety regulations in the European Union. Many popular American foods are banned in Europe due to concerns about health risks and […]

Meat Diet vs. Vegetarianism

Did you know that there lurks an invisible ingredient in meat that has been raising health concerns —It is called meat glue- scientifically known as transglutaminase? Transglutaminase is an enzyme used to bind pieces of meat together to create larger, more uniform cuts that creates a seamless appearance. According to the American Meat Institute, it […]