5 Clues Your Dental Health is Giving You about Your Overall Health

You may often think of your oral health as something totally separate from your overall health. After all, you probably wouldn’t go to your dentist with questions about your heart, your migraine problems, or that indigestion you’ve been struggling with. But the reality is that your dental health and your whole-body health are very much connected. As a matter of...

Life-Altering Moments: What Will Change YOUR Perspective?

“Storms make oaks take root.” It is inevitable. At some point we have all faced, or will face, a life-altering event . . . whether it be the death of a loved one, a serious illness or some experience that reminds us of what really matters in life. In the blink of an eye, everything can change. Often, these life...

Melt Cancer Away With Your Fingertips? This Healing Theory Says “Yes”””

It's an unusual (and fortunate) person who hasn't had someone they know or love fall victim to cancer. The United Nations’ Cancer Research Agency tells us cancer will kill more than 13.2 million people a year by the year 2030. So if you are worried you will suffer or die with cancer, it’s a completely natural reaction.  There IS cause for concern. That’s why now more than ever it’s so important to arm yourself with facts.

Antioxidant in Red Wine Found to Destroy Pancreatic Cancer Cells

Antioxidant in Red Wine Found to Destroy Pancreatic Cancer Cells

Do you love a glass of really good wine? In addition to its pleasing taste and relaxation factor, you may have heard that red wine (in moderation, of course) is even good for your heart health, among other things. Now there’s one more reason to have a glass of your favorite red during Thanksgiving dinner! Researchers have found that the antioxidant found in red wine can help destroy pancreatic cancer cells. Since November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness month, let’s take a closer look at this recent discovery . . .

Skin Cancer’s Little-Known Facts and Figures

By now, most of us know the following facts about skin cancer: melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer; it’s typically caused by overexposure to the sun or a tanning booth’s UV rays; and it typically starts out in a physical aspect by looking like an irregularly-shaped mole. But what about the things that don’t get too much...

Vitamin D and the Battle Against Breast Cancer

You may already know that Vitamin C could help prevent the common cold, or that Vitamin A is essential for healthy eyes, but did you know that Vitamin D might help in the battle against breast cancer? An ongoing study is showing that Vitamin D can be linked to the prevention of the deadly cancer that affects approximately 12...

Facts About Cancer Prevention and Vitamin D

The Missing Link in Cancer Prevention: Vitamin D Recently there was a renewed interest in (and corresponding buzz around) breast and ovarian cancer; particularly due to celebrity Angelina Jolie’s decision to undergo a double mastectomy – despite the fact that she didn’t have cancer.  Jolie made this decision after learning that she carried the mutated BRCA-1 gene, and, according to...

20 Most Dangerous Foods “Tainted” By Pesticides, Chemicals and Additives,

20 Most Dangerous Foods... If you recall, a few weeks ago we did an article on a “drug” that the U.S. allows in meats like beef, pork, and poultry, but which 160 other countries currently bans (including Russia).  Which begs the question:  What other types of foods are allowed to be “tainted” by things such as pesticides, chemicals and additives,...

CoQ10: Fight Cancer, Boost Immunity, and Strengthen Your Heart

CoQ10 and Cancer Coenzyme Q10 may finally be getting the attention it deserves.  The antioxidant compound CoQ10, which is naturally produced in our bodies, is a “Jack of all Trades” when it comes to your health. Not only does it aid in cell growth and stronger immune systems, but it also serves to protect cells from damage and deterioration that could...

This Nut could cut cancer risk in half

Walnuts an Illegal DRUG? Why the FDA is REALLY Cracking Down Potato chips are heart healthy and walnuts could cut the risk of breast cancer in half. Which would YOU be more inclined to believe?  Well, going by standard FDA policy, the potato chips are your only choice. Unfortunately, the chips can be labeled as “heart healthy” while walnut products cannot...