How Muscle Mass Affects Aging: The Key to Vitality and Longevity

organ donor
May 15, 2016

5 Things You Should Know Before Becoming an Organ Donor

Donating your organs and tissue is a great way to make a big impact on someone’s life.  In fact, one donor can help save or improve the lives of over 50 people.  Whether or not you are undecided about becoming an organ donor, there are a few things you should know before going to get […]

May 15, 2016

The Dark Side of Organ Transplants

We’ve all seen those horror or science fiction films that depict a seedy underworld where organs are illegally harvested, then bought and sold on the black market.  The stories are almost always full of corrupt, evil doctors taking advantage of poor people by stealing their organs or buying them at a low price, and then […]

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Did you know that according to the American Heart Association the average American consumes approximately 60 pounds of added sugar annually. This equates to about 17 teaspoons of added sugar per day, which is 2 to 3 times the recommended amount for men and women respectively. To make the matters worse, the Department of Agriculture […]


Many everyday food products have been found to contain microplastics, often due to environmental contamination or food processing and packaging. Here are some common sources of microplastics that can impact your diet and fitness: Drinking water: Bottled water has been shown to contain high levels of microplastics. Tap water also contains microplastics, though generally at […]

Did you know that the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) estimated that approximately 8 million tons of plastic enter the world’s oceans each year. The amount of plastic in the ocean is expected to double in the next 15 years, and by 2050, it could outweigh all the fish in the sea by weight. And […]