What Time of Day is Best to Exercise? About a month ago we showcased an article on what type of exercise is most beneficial for fat loss: weight training, cardio, or a combination of both. The answer, after significant research, was cardio. And because scientists are never quite satisfied with reaching one conclusion, there was […]
Category: Female Health
Best Time to Exercise
Best Exercise Options
Cardio vs. Weight Training, Fat Loss Supplements, and More With New Year’s Day past, and dreaded New Year’s resolutions haunting some of us, I hope you consider following through with some of your goals pertaining to your health. If you’re like most people, you’ll vow to eat better, exercise more, drink less and lose those […]
Feed Your Brain!
Feed Your Brain Do you remember that PSA (Public Service Announcement), where an egg is being fried in a pan and the message is, “This is your brain on drugs”? Pretty vivid picture of what drugs – the bad ones – can do to your brain. Unfortunately, it can be more than just drugs that […]
Healthy and Delicious Snacking
10 Healthy Snacks You Just Can’t Get Enough Of! Have the urge to munch on something while watching your favorite football team take the field this season? Avoid the extra calories and carbs, and enjoy these delicious, easy-to-make healthy snacks! Kashi Cereal and Strawberry Yogurt One of my all-time personal favorites, this one is very […]
Coconut Water, ultimate hydration
Coconut Water: A New Way to Get Healthy Step aside, water and sports drinks – there’s a new kid in town. Quickly gaining popularity due to intense celebrity endorsements and dubbed “Mother Nature’s sports drink” by clever marketers, coconut water is finding a new home in many sports enthusiasts’ fridges. Traditionally reserved only for summer […]
Top 5 Reasons you need Antioxidants
What happens if you don’t get any antioxidants? It’s not like you’re a car that rusts over time and needs constant oiling, right? Actually, our bodies toil away each and every day to keep us healthy; but at the same time there are mischievous (and naturally occurring) little things called free radicals that slow us […]
Top 4 Foods to Switch to Organic
Top 4 Foods to Switch to Organic So you’ve been reading up on the dangers of eating foods stuffed with growth hormones, and you’re ready to make the plunge for yourself and your entire family. But your budget doesn’t allow for a complete overhaul. Luckily, by changing only four foods to organic, you will be […]
Konjac Root Craze
The Konjac Root Craze: Is It As Beneficial As They Say? Konjac root has been getting a good deal of press lately, especially since appearing on Dr. Oz’s show and making his list of “Viewers All Time Favorite Tips” . . . not to mention all the buzz it’s getting on other TV shows and […]
CoQ10-High Octane Heart Health
CoQ10 You’ve probably heard the health buzz around CoQ10 . . . that your body doesn’t have enough of it and you NEED MORE! But what exactly is this nutrient, and why is it SO important for your health? Let’s take a look . . . What is CoQ10? Coenzyme Q10, better known as CoQ10 […]
Rewards from Cranberries
Cranberry for Urinary Health A cool glass of cranberry juice to treat a urinary tract infection sure sounds better than popping a pill (and the number of side effects that may result), doesn’t it? Cranberry has been used for centuries for urinary health, and for good reason. So . . . what’s the secret behind […]