Carbohydrates, High Blood Sugars, Diabetes – know the connection?

There is a strong connection between carbohydrates, high blood sugars and diabetes. Carbohydrates give your body the energy, or fuel, it needs to function properly. There are two types of carbohydrates; simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are in foods such as fruit sugar, corn or grape sugar and table sugar. They are single-sugar molecules. Complex carbohydrates are the foods that...

Five Ways to Manage Your Diet For Diabetes

Since my diagnosis with diabetes at the age of eleven, my own diet has changed dramatically.  I maintain my current healthy weight with a great diet/eating plan. If you do plan on losing more than about a stone in weight, then I would visit your doctor for more tips on how to do this without risk. I've had diabetes for...

Olympic Athletes Share Injury Prevention Secrets That Work for Anyone

When you’ve got serious knee pain... life is unbearable. Running is excruciating. Squatting hurts. And simple everyday tasks (like getting out of bed in the morning) can seem impossible to do. Olympic gold medalist – and skiing superstar – Lindsey Vonn understands this type of pain. She will miss competing in the 2014 Sochi Olympics because of a devastating right...

All About Diabetes: Symptoms, Causes, and Types

While talking about diabetes, you may be frightened from the idea that you may have it. Or maybe, you may have it in the future. You want to know if you are at risk to develop diabetes and anxiously you're looking to find if you have any diabetes symptom. Diabetes affects the manner in which the body handles carbohydrates, fats...

Control diabetes Naturally – MUST avoid white flour, white salt, tea and coffee

White Flour Wheat is the most common cereal used throughout the world for making bread. It is a good source of energy. With its essential coating of bran, vitamins and minerals, it is an excellent health-building food. Wheat is usually ground into flour for use as food. However refined wheat flour constitutes a serious health hazard of the various processed foods...

A DNA Link between Diabetes and Obesity

There is no known reason for what causes diabetes. There are certainly risk factors that make the likelihood of you being diagnosed with the disease higher. One of the only risk  factors that you have control over is your weight. If you are obese, the single best thing you can do for your health and the prevention of diabetes is to lose...

6 Surprising Secrets to Healthy Digestion (your doctor may not know)!

Are you one of the 95 million folks suffering from constipation... gas... irritable bowels... bloating... indigestion... or acid reflux? If so, you may think that your digestive problems aren’t such a big deal — maybe even a normal part of life. But don’t be fooled! These nagging symptoms could be the beginning of much bigger problems... “You should be completely unaware of...

Diabetes: Latino Kids May Develop Type 2 Diabetes Due To A High-sugar Diet

Diet is a quite important matter for diabetic people. Everything they eat may have a consequence positive or not in their disease evolution. According to researchers from Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California, overweight Latino children show signs of beta cell decline, a precursor of type 2 diabetes because they are consuming lots of sugar...

Understanding Hedonic Hunger: Why We Crave Sugary and Fatty Foods

Fatty Foods

Welcome to our exploration of "hedonic hunger," a fascinating concept that's reshaping our understanding of why we sometimes can't stop eating those chips or cookies, even when we're not really hungry. This isn't just about having a sweet tooth or loving snacks; it's about how certain foods mess with our brains, making us crave more. Surprisingly, this craving, which...

Age-Wise Fitness: Top Sports for Weight Loss from Teens to Seniors

Weight Loss

When it comes to weight loss, the power of sports goes beyond mere calorie burning; it's about finding activities that resonate with our age, physical capabilities, and lifestyle. The ideal sport for a teenager may not suit a senior, just as the perfect activity for someone in their thirties might differ from that of someone in their sixties. Recognizing this, it's...