Author Archives:  admin

Antioxidant in Red Wine Found to Destroy Pancreatic Cancer Cells

Do you love a glass of really good wine? In addition to its pleasing taste and relaxation factor, you may have heard that red wine (in moderation, of course) is even good for your heart health, among other things. Now there’s one more reason to have a glass of your favorite red during Thanksgiving dinner! Researchers have found that the antioxidant found in red wine can help destroy pancreatic cancer cells. Since November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness month, let’s take a closer look at this recent discovery . . .

Milking It for All It’s Worth? The Debate Over Extended Breastfeeding

With the release of TIME Magazine’s new provocative cover– depicting a 3-year-old standing on a stool, suckling casually from his mother’s breast— the public debate over breastfeeding has been reignited. The argument over this particular editorial seems to have many facets, the most obvious of which being that the cover’s shock-and-awe approach puts the relatively […]

Ramp Up Your Body’s Natural Defense Against Allergies

Spring is finally here, and along with the gorgeous weather comes pollen. Many allergy sufferers know all too well the symptoms of hay fever, caused by pollen released from budding trees and plants. The airborne pollen is easily inhaled through the nose and mouth, and for sensitive people, it can cause a series of miserable symptoms.

Did You Know That You Can Bounce Your Way to Good Health?

This article gives you all the health benefits you can gain from regular use of a mini trampolene or rebounder. International research has found that bouncing on a mini trampoline has far reaching benefits for all ages, making you fit, toning your body and assisting with weight loss. It is one of the most effective […]

10 Facts You Didn’t Know About Sexual Health, Contraception and the Dreaded Vasectomy

Not having the right information before “getting intimate” can lead to a heck of a surprise.  Below we take a look at 10 facts about contraception and sexual health that you may not have known.  We’ll start with a few for the guys, as information about male contraception is not as widely spread. A Vasectomy […]

Does Vitamin D Aid in Digestive Disorders?

Vitamin D. Or, the “sunshine” vitamin as it’s sometimes called. If you don’t know just how important it is for your health, well, you really should. Vitamin D is essential for nearly every single working part of your body – from your heart, to your other organs (including your skin). And now it looks like […]

This Powerful Alliance of 63 Elemental Nutrients Offers You Nearly Limitless Energy!

An astonishing, tested combination of superfoods can turn back the hands of time for your body. Maybe you know what it’s like, that no matter how much sleep you get, it never seems to be deep enough or refreshing enough. And every day you look in the mirror, you seem to find another grey hair […]

Another Winning Point for Moms: Women Who Breastfeed Reduce Their Diabetes Risk

The benefits of breastfeeding are well documented. Breast milk is the healthiest and safest food for babies and it’s easy to digest. Breastfeeding and breast milk contribute to every part of baby’s development including physical, emotional, and perhaps even intellectual. Babies who are breast-fed have fewer infections such as colds, ear infections and diarrhea. Breast […]

The Danger Lurking Around Every Corner: Endocrine Disruptors

The endocrine system is comprised of several glands that secrete unique hormones into your body. So, what would happen if something were to disrupt it? According to several alarming new studies, that’s exactly what’s going on right now. Researchers are warning against too much exposure to endocrine disruptors, which can have adverse effects on your […]

8 Endocrine Disruptors That Disrupt Your Hormones and Can Cause Cancer, Birth Defects and More!

The endocrine system is comprised of several glands that secrete unique hormones into your body. Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that can interfere with endocrine (or hormonal) systems. These disruptions can cause cancerous tumors, birth defects, and other developmental disorders. So, what would happen if something were to disrupt it? According to several alarming new studies, […]

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5:35 am, May 18, 2024
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May 12, 2024

If you’re a woman, visits to the physician for your annual exam requires going beyond checking of weight and cholesterol screening as you age. The longer you live, the more susceptible you become to conditions and diseases that might have been prevented—or perhaps treated to improve the quality of life—if only common health screenings had […]

May 12, 2024

If it wasn’t such a serious matter, it would be easier to sigh and shrug your shoulders in a “guys will be guys” kind of way. Let’s face it; us men are known for delaying trips to the doctor or taking care of health issues. Even in this evolved day and age, maybe there are […]

Introduction Fasting, the act of abstaining from food for a period, has been a part of human practices for centuries. Various cultures around the world have utilized fasting in religious rituals and traditional healing methods. In modern times, fasting has gained significant popularity for its potential health benefits, including weight management, improved metabolic health, and […]